Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Jane's Songs

"She's a mommy. But she can't have babies. I think she's a man."

"Let's stay poor! We'll plant seeds and make our own food. Let's stay poor."

Dealing with Death

Jane: Is Grandpa Steve big time dead?  (Death is so slippery in our world of computer games. This has been hard to explain to the kids.)

        What will Grandpa Steve's statue look like?

Jane freaks out every time we come up on a stop sign.

Max: (Playing) We're going to drive and then we're going to die.

Everything they play these days, someone is dead.

Max just poured water on my head

The first night of mourning

Max's view of Grammy

Brother Buddies

Mud Pies

In the car

At the aquarium

Jane gets the camera

New apron

That's a beaver

Making Nests